Welcome to Week 4 of our At-Home Activities blog series. Keep reading to check out 20 at-home activities you can use this week with your preschooler. If you’d prefer to have these activities in a printable PDF format, you can download them from our shop HERE.
There are 8 weeks worth of free at-home activities in this blog series. Click each week to check them out!
DAY 1:
Literacy: Put the ABC Letter Cards from our FREE Activity Library (or any letter cards you have) in a hat. Have your little one pretend to be a magician and pull out a letter. They can say “Abracadabra” and then they can say that letter’s name, sound, and a word that begins with that letter.
Math: Write numbers 0-10 on post-it notes and hide them all around the house. Have your little one find the post-its and put the numbers in order. Then have them draw the correct number of dots on each post-it.
Fine Motor: Go outside with a cup of water and a paintbrush. Have your little one paint with the water. They can paint letters, numbers, or shapes. If you have ice cubes, they could also try and paint with those!
Gross Motor: Using plastic cups, have your little one try to stack the cups as high as they can. You could challenge them by asking them to build it to a certain height that you mark on the wall with a piece of tape. Or you could have them roll two dice, add up the total, and build the tower with that many cups. When they’re done building, have them knock their tower over!
DAY 2:
Literacy: Write the end of a common word family (ex: –at, -en, -ig, -un) on a large piece of paper. Then write consonants on post-it notes. Have your little one put different consonants in front of the word family to make rhyming words. Then have them tell you if the word they created was a real word or a nonsense word.
Math: Using an empty egg carton, color the bottom of each section a different color (or use colorful stickers). Then get popsicle sticks and color each one a different color. Have your little one match the colors and stick the sticks into the carton. (You could also do this activity with numbers or letters.)
Fine Motor: Lay out a large sheet of wrapping paper upside down (or use butcher paper if you have it). Work with your little one to draw a mural that represents your family or community. Encourage them to use as much detail as possible in their drawings. If they’re ready, they can also begin labeling their picture.
Gross Motor: Get a big plastic tub and fill it with soap and water. Then have your little one wash their toys. To make this even more fun, allow them to get their toys super muddy before they wash them!
DAY 3:
Literacy: While reading aloud, have your little one identify the characters, setting, problem, and solution in a fiction story. Then have them retell the story to you in order.
Math: Have your little one roll a die. Then have them build a block tower with as many blocks as the number on the die. For a challenge, have them roll two dice, add the numbers together, and then build. If you have magnatiles, you could use those instead.
Fine Motor: Have your little one use scrap paper to draw 2D shapes. Then have them cut those shapes out. This is great practice cutting both straight lines, curved lines, and circles.
Gross Motor: Make 2D shapes out of painter’s tape on the floor. Have your little one make the outline of the shape by putting small toys or rocks on the tape. Ask them to say the name of each shape and describe its characteristics to you. They can also name items in their house that are each shape.
DAY 4:
Literacy: Practice beginning sounds with this Feed the Bunny game from the FREE Activity Library. You’ll need a square tissue box to make the bunny. If you don’t have that, you could also use a brown paper bag or small bowl.
Math: Play Shape Memory or Shape Go Fish using the 2D Shape Mats from the FREE Activity Library (or draw your own 2D shape mats).
Fine Motor: Have your little one make a card for a family member or friend and send it in the mail. Show them how to address the envelope and put it in the mailbox.
Gross Motor: Go for a walk and play “I Spy.” You can play the traditional way, or you could change it up by saying things like, “I spy with my little eye something that starts with the /m/ sound” or “I spy with my little eye something that rhymes with far.”
DAY 5:
Literacy: Create a name puzzle for your little one. Write their name on a piece of paper, then cut the letters apart. Have them put the letters back in the correct order to spell their name. You can also do this with names of friends and family members.
Math: Draw a circle for a sun. Have your little one make patterns out of the sun’s rays using different colored markers or crayons. They can create AB, ABB, AAB, or ABC patterns. You can tell them which pattern to create, or you can ask them to create a pattern and tell you which one they chose.
Fine Motor: For this activity, you’ll need two sets of the same stickers (or you can draw small pictures). Make two columns. Put one set of the stickers in one column, and the other set of stickers in the other column. Don’t put the stickers in the same order. Then have your little one draw lines to match the stickers together.
Gross Motor: Create an indoor homemade obstacle course with couch pillows, toys, chairs, shoes, and whatever else you can think of! You could also make an outdoor homemade obstacle course using outside toys and furniture. Take turns going through the obstacle course, and see who can complete it in the shortest amount of time!
And that’s a wrap on our At-Home Activities for Week 4. I hope these ideas help keep your preschooler learning at home with you!
If you’d like a printable PDF copy of these activities (which includes all of the freebies mentioned in this post), head to our shop to download!
If you use any of these activity ideas, let me know! You can comment below or find me on Instagram (@littleslovelearningblog). I’d love to know how your little ones liked them!
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Happy Learning!